Thursday, May 26, 2011

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34

The 9 to 5....
Today was very busy at work. I went in early and I still stayed busy until the minute I left. I was a little worried because I had to leave 30 minutes to pick up Emmie today. Zach got a job at the C-USA baseball tournament at Trustmark Park today. So I had to take over pick up duties today. But that I will go into detail a little bit later, back to being worried over leaving early. I already had to leave early on Tuesday to go to my OB/GYN annual visit. So I got this weird vibe from my doc that he might be a touch annoyed that I keep leaving to do things. But I mean I can't help it, people have doctors appointments right? I don't know I'm just really conflicted with all of this because he keeps asking more and more of me and I just don't know when I should say, "ok enough". I mean I want to do alot of the things that he asks of me or asks me if I would consider but I really don't get compensated in a means that would seem adequate for the workload that he wants me to take on. And don't get me wrong money is definitely not everything, I mean I took a pay cut to take this job because I loved the job description. Of course on the other hand I do have to think of money, I mean I have to "bring the bacon" as they say, especially when every penny counts these days and we want to buy a house one day. It is just so conflicting, I am not sure if I should bring it up to my superiors, I mean the way I understand it my pay scale is locked by the hospital, the only increase I can get is during annual evaluations or with additional certifications, which I am going to work on. Argh, I could go back and forth on this subject for days! So moving on!

On the homefront...
So I left work early to pick up Emmie. She was super cute when I picked her up, she looked up and saw me and started furiously crawling towards me going "oooh! ooh! ooh!", she kinda sounded like a little hooting owl. Of course she stopped at my feet and threw her arms straight up, which is Emmie speak for "mommy, pick me up!". I went to get her bag, and then i saw IT. Now your wondering, it? what is "it"? "It" is a discipline note from the teacher and the daycare director, Emmie bit another child! The note says she bit the child so hard that she left a mark! Gosh, I was so embarrassed, can you imagine if your child was the one Emmie bit? I mean how did they tell that mother? She probably thinks Emmie is some kind of hellion, and that we just let her run wild. I was super embarrassed, hopefully that mother doesn't think that!
Zach as I said got a job through our fabulous cousin Marty, working at Trustmark park tonight with the company that is televising the baseball tournament. He called me about 3:30 this afternoon and reminded me which is good because I would have completely forgotten if he hadn't called me. When we talked he told me that the games had been delayed and that he would be even later getting home tonight which of course was fine. I am a little worried that he is going to be exhausted tomorrow, hopefully he will make it through the day.

On the horizon...
Tomorrow we are leaving town after work. We are both so excited to get away for a little bit and to visit with the family. We haven't been home in a long time and we could really just use the short time "away" to just relax and let Meme and Nana take all of the Emmie duties. Oh my goodness I just can not wait...


  1. I'm so excited you started a blog and I look forward to reading more about y'alls days! When does Zach's school get out? I bet y'all can't wait!

  2. Thanks! I figured it was only fair since I read about all yall's business! lol No, but really I have always wanted to do one, hopefully I'll stay motivated this time. The kids have a half day today and then he gets out for good next Wednesday I think? He can't wait, but I sure would love to take the summer off too!
