I have been thinking about how to approach this post and I have decided to go with the letter format. Taking a nod from my good friend Sarah Denley's monthly letters to her children. I won't even attempt monthly because I would never make it on time, but let's hope I can try a yearly birthday letter. Or at least this year anyways...
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This is Em and Me at her birthday dinner at Mellow Mushroom. |
Dear Emily,
You are two years old today. It is amazing to me to watch you grow into your own little person. Independent is the word I would use to describe you. Everything you do now you want to do on your own with out any interference from Mommy, Daddy or anyone else for that matter. You are quick to let us know that you did not want or need our help. It is cute but I have to admit I often find myself frustrated with your new found assertive nature. But I know you are just trying to learn and grow so I try my hardest to give you your space.
You are talking so much more, even though "no" is still your favorite word. As you daddy says you have a negative vocabulary, including the phrases "stop it" and "go away". Not to say that you don't use many other words or phrases you just seem to favor those three in particular. Lately you have been using whole sentences which is simply amazing to me. A few weeks ago you told me "I drop the color mommy" and I was simply mesmerized. Since only a few days before you would simply point and whine if you dropped something.
You have also become quite possessive of things and people. Everything belongs to you including Mommy, Daddy and Darby. You have told me many times " My Darby" , "My Daddy" or "My Mommy" but to be fair you do distinguish things that are not yours. An example would be when you told Darby "No Darby, that Mommy's juice" when he tried to sniff my glass of tea the other day.
You are so inquisitive and want to know how things work. It is wonderful to see how you mind works.
On the negative side I believe we have let you watch too much television. You sort of become a scary zombie child when I turn it on. You don't move or talk or anything, just watch the television "glued in". You have even started asking for shows by name, "Mommy, I watch my Elmo" which worries me a bit that I have over done it on the television. So I limit you to one or two shows all day, usually just one episode of Sesame Street, which you don't seem to mind at all . I give myself a little bit of credit since they are at least educational shows, but I still hold a lot of guilt over how much television you are exposed to. If the television is not on you just go play with your toys. I probably should have limited your viewing time a long time ago but it seems to be working out just fine now.
It is nice to watch you imagination, you play with your toys and talk to them. Sometimes I wonder what little stories you must have created. You also really enjoy books, one of your favorites is The Nose Book which is a little Dr. Seuss book you got for Christmas. You like for Mommy and Daddy to read it or sometimes you will "read" by yourself, pointing out all of the animals in the books. That is one of my favorite things that you do.
Daddy and I love to read books so we hope that you will love them as much as we do. This year has been so wonderful watching you grow and learn. I cannot wait to see the what wonderful things this next year holds for us.
Love always,
Mommy (and Daddy)
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These are a few from Em's Birthday Dinner, Drinking from a big girl cup, Pouting because we took her big girl cup away after she spilled and enjoying her birthday pizza, respectively. |
We also took Emily to eat pizza at Mellow Mushroom on her birthday as a little treat to commemorate the actual day of her birth. We have planned a party with cake for Saturday on the coast at Meme's house.
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