So as you may or may not know about me I am a Twilight fan. One of my favorite quotes from the entire series of books is when Bella speaks of the three things she is positive about. More specifically the third thing, "And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him."
One reason this series appeals to me is not for the vampires, werewolves and the humans all tangled up together. But it appeals to me for the same reason Romeo and Juliet appeals to me, the love story. Like all good love stories. I am truly a romantic, but not hopeless. I am filled with hopes and dreams for my future.
This line truly resonates with me personally because I am the kind of person who desires to be bold enough, to often give themselves completely and irrevocably. Unfortunately I often fall short of this goal.
Now you have to truly think about the definition of irrevocable. According to, it is a decision that can not be revoked, unalterable. Literally no turning back, you really wouldn't think that would be something a person would desire, but I absolutely do.
I will admit that I believe that I did accomplish this goal at least three times in my life so far.
The first time was when I met my now husband Zachery, little did I know, I was a goner from The Very Beginning.
The Second time was when I saw my sweet Baby Girl for the first time. Truly mother's love is unconditional and irrevocable, any mother will tell you the same.
The third and most significant time was when I discovered my Lord Jesus Christ as my personal savior. I have experienced this conversion many times, most recently and most powerfully during my Cursillo experience. That feeling is such a high you just never want to come down.
As I go through life on this journey to become a better person and a better Christian I am striving for unconditional and irrevocable love in all aspects of my life. I know that I am no where near where I would like to be but, that is what our life here on this earth is learn, grow and prepare.