Saturday, March 3, 2012
A Night of Laughter & Song
We went to this show at Christ United Methodist Church on Thursday March 1 2012.
For those of you who haven't been or who missed it. You missed a really great opportunity. Warren Barfield was a special guest as well, all three of them were great!
Warren started us off, you may or may not recognize his song "Love is Not a Fight" which I have added to my blog player, but it is also here in this video.
He is really a great artist, and also really a funny story teller. In addition to this tour, he has just completed a series of appearances with Kirk Cameron for the Love is Worth Fighting For - Marriage Tour. If you haven't read The Love Dare or seen the movie Fireproof, you owe it to yourself and your marriage. It will truly change your life and your spouse's life! But please don't think if your single it doesn't apply to you, I think the lessons learned are universal to all relationships in our lives.
Now I will admit there are times in the movie where the acting can fall into the "campy" category. But no matter what the message rings true and I really think it is worth your time.
Warren also talked about a cause that is close to his heart. He is spokesperson for Food for the Hungry and their sponsor a child program. As he said for the cost of eating at Applebee's one time you can sponsor a child for a month. The stories he told about the poverty and disparity he has seen and how blessed we truly are here in America, it spoke to me.
While I'd like to say I signed up right away, I did not. I have talked to Zach about it, and I do really want to help, but no we have not gotten there yet. I hope we can commit to sponsor a child soon. I have it on my list and I will complete it! On another topic completely I am going to make "the list" a page on my blog to hold myself more accountable to my goals.
Natalie Grant performed next. Her voice truly is a git from God. She sang a couple of my favorite songs that night, but my absolute favorite of her songs (right now anyways). Is titled "Your Great Name".
Everytime I hear this song, I turn it up and sing along. Often in my car or office I sing along and have a praise a worship moment. Sometimes a song just comes along that truly strikes you and you feel closer to God when you sing aloud to him. For me this is that song. When we sang this song with Natalie the other night I could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in the room. It was if no one was there but me and God, and Natalie of course since I wan't the one hitting those high notes, :) . It brought me to tears, it was truly a beautiful performance.
What I loved about Natalie was that even though she was in a room of over 200 people she was very down to earth and personable. She shared some very personal stories of her and her husband's struggle with fertility and pregnancy. She also shared her joys of her ever growing family, she used her experience to minister to the women there and to express her compassion for those going through those things she has been through. It made me respect her even more as an artist, because you could truly tell that she gave all the glory to God, always.
Finally was Chonda Pierce. Oh my goodness was she hilarious! She had me laughing so hard I could not breathe at times. I wish I could remember some of the stories well enough to recount them to you. But it would lose something in the translation, and it's probably copyrighted or something. If you've never seen her stand up, give her a try. She's out of the box that's for sure, but then again what comedian isn't?
I really wanted to embed a video of some of her routine, but i couldn't find a good one on YouTube, but if you click on her name it's linked to her website and they have some really funny clips of her on there.
Overall the show was just great. Granted we got home at like 11 and I had to go to work the next day. But I thoroughly enjoyed myself and would gladly go again.
I'd like to attend more shows like this one, I had so much fun! :)
Btw, if you didn't notice the insane amount of links and video embeds, yes I have finally learned how to do that! LOL .
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