Thursday, May 3, 2012 buhry buhry quiet, I'm hunting houses

So it's official, three years after marriage and two years after our first child we are finally going to buy a HOUSE!

I know most people will say that it's no big deal that it has taken us this long . "Everyone's life unfolds at different speeds" and "things happen for  reason" yadda yadda. But seriously, apartment living has been a serious anxiety point for me for the past two years, starting probably about six months after we brought Emily home.

My anxiety regarding apartment living probably all boils down to my overwhelming desire to "plant roots" in a very permanent way. In my amateur psychiatrist opinion, I think my  childhood experience of moving so often has created this desire in me. Now please do not get me wrong, I had a FANTASTIC childhood, and I firmly believe that I would not be nearly as close to my parents and brother if we had lived in one place my whole childhood. Moving every couple of years forced us together in a very intimate way. My mom was my best friend and my mother, and still is to this day. She's always the first one I tell anything to but there has always been this nagging desire to have a permanent place to call home. Because of this, my Meme's house, where I lived for 4 years during college will always be home to me, that is the closest up to this point that I have had a permanent residence.

A good example of  an anxiety trigger regarding this subject is the simple question, "Where are you from?" Those of you who grew up in the south know that when someone asks that question. They are not asking where do you currently live, but where do you call home? where did you grow up? Who is your family? Often in the south, once you answer that question it is followed by, "I have family in that area, are you related to the Smiths who live there?"

Consequently, "Where are you from?" is my least favorite "getting to know you" question. As long as I can remember my answer has been, "I'm not from anywhere, I"m a military brat", which is often followed by a swift "ooohh" to which to conversation falls completely dead. I know, great way to get to know people, right?

So needless to say I'm over the moon we are going to look at homes again now that we have overcome our previous barriers. It's funny when I tell people, they want to know "where are you looking?", and "what type of house are you interested in?". Of course, me being my brutally blunt and honest personality replies, "I just want four walls with roof over it that is not connected to anyone else's house". Which is completely true at this point, we could live in a hut in South Africa and I would be ECSTATIC. - Yes I know, overly dramatic, but then again when am I NOT overly dramatic?

So I will be keeping everyone posted on the updates regarding this little adventure. Needless to say I am on pins and needles. Luckily we have a GREAT realtors, I feel like we are in wonderful hands.

TTFN! :)

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