I have to admit for all I have been doing lately I'm kinda proud of myself, I looked back and last month I posted 3 times! Granted it's basically the last day of the month and I'm just now posting but Hey if I can get a once a month thing going I'll be thrilled. You'll just have to trust me that once a month is WAY more that I used to post on my old blogs.
So I have some great pictures for you guys this time. This year was the first year Emily really got to dress up and go Trick or Treat, we kinda held off until now where she would have some understanding of what was going on.
We were invited over to our friends house, since you really can't Trick or Treat in an apartment complex and we used their neighborhood as a surrogate. It was a wonderful experience, even if I was really cold and Emily ended up Trick or Treating via umbrella stroller, she seemed to enjoy holding the pumpkin bucket and letting people put stuff in it.
So here are some pics:
Here are the three kiddos that went, Peter Pan (including a Tinker Bell, look on his shoulder), Miss Ladybug and Mr. Bones.
This was the beginning of our stair photo session which produced some really great pictures, including this one of Miss Ladybug and Mr. Bones.
Once the adults starting picking up their coats and cameras little Miss Ladybug had figured out we are going outside! She started looking out the window and trying her hardest to open the door.

She walked to the first house with me and I got a few pictures of her Trick or Treat.
(I didn't realize this picture was being taken, so yes, I am indeed checking my cellphone, I just wanted to show how cute she looked walking house to house.)
Emily (Miss Ladybug) and Momma Halloween 2011. Poor baby she was so tired she just couldn't keep up, she was begging me to carry her. So I broke out the umbrella stroller (so glad I never go anywhere without it!) This is what our Trick or Treat really looked like...Mr. Bones in the wagon and us in our stroller.
We had so much fun with our friends!
Happy Halloween Everyone!