Isn't she just getting too big? I'm so proud of my little girl.

We are getting back into the swing of things getting ready for the fall. Zach has officially started his new school year as an 8th grad English teacher. Much to my surprise it went much better than I thought it would, his super hard work this summer has paid off apparently.
Emily has moved up in classes again at daycare or "school" as we call it. She is now going outside to play everyday, which we have discovered she needs an extra nap to compensate for all that extra running around, otherwise dinner time is a nightmare!
Also she has become quite attached to mommy these days, she never used to scream or cry when I left her at school, now she gets upset if I give her to Zach for just a minute. It's sweet but can be irritating at times, especially when you need to get something done.
She did the cutest thing this morning though. Darby got out the door past me, which was highly annoying but that's not what was so cute. I told Darby "you are a bad dog!", I looked at Emily and she pointed her little finger at Darby and shook it at him and said "nn- nnoo". She was helping me tell him how bad he was
being, it was neat to see her make the connection between someone being "bad" and telling them "no".
This weekend is going to be fun! We are going over to our friends the Foster's home to play a new game that they are going to teach us and Emily and their son Derek will have a little play date. I'm excited for that, it's so nice to have those evenings where the grown ups and the kids can have a great time!
Then there are all the fun things we have going on Sunday, shaping up to be a great weekend!