Well guys, in complete opposition to what I blogged earlier. I did not successfully achieve my goal of blogging consistently. So here we go again! LOL
My life is nothing if not multiple do-overs, but I always get the important things right the first time! Besides I fully believe it is the intention of your heart and the furvor with which you pursue your goals which count.
I honestly don't think that at the end of my days there will be a big tally on a cloud white board of all my good and bad deeds, and if I get 5,212 then too bad going to hell.
I know that some people believe that to the fullest and I applaud them for the passion in which they place in all of their beliefs. Sometimes I think people today have lost their passion when it comes to what they truly believe in. When you put your entire being into your faith and completely let go and let God take control of your life. That is when you truly becomes a Christian, that is when we become the followers that God intended for us.
I know I'm getting a bit "preachy" for some but this is on my heart at the moment and it feels so right to get it out and share with the world. Even if only my mother reads this, LOVE YOU MOM!
Karissa and Buzz Deckard recommended that I read a book called "The Shack" by William P. Young, the story chronicles the main character's personal meeting with God. While I have yet to finish the book in it's entirety it has changed by life dramatically and I'm only halfway through.
Whether you choose to believe that the story is fact or fiction I fully recommend to any and all people who may be questioning their relationship with God. I honestly feel that God placed these opportunities in my life so that I could find him again and our relationship together could grow. And it has grown exponentially.
I have to admit that before we moved from Hattiesburg I was hungry, mentally and emotionally I was starving. I love my close friends dearly but we had all drifted through the years and each of us were very busy building our own families. I was starving for social interaction and true friendship. While Zachery did a wonderful job and becoming my lover, friend and confidant...there is only so much a husband can do, I mean how can you complain about stretch marks to your husband, now matter how understanding he won't ever really get it will he? More over there is only so much a reasonable man can take right? I have to give him the highest praise here for if it wasn't for Zachery I probably would have long gone off the deep end for lack of socialization. He's the absolute perfect man for me, two peas in a pod we are. I do love that man!
But back to opportunities, we were presented the opportunity for Zach to teach in Jackson, and while it wasn't ideal we decided to go for it, together. Then we joined Brandon First, met a wonderful Sunday School Class family and our lives have blossomed and grown exponentially daily.
It is very exciting to think that soon, we will have a home to call our own and Emily and her siblings (one day!) will grow up in one house with life long friends like Ann Peyton, Graves, Ainsley, Derek, Austin, Emma, Katie, and Paige.
You just never know what God has planned for our lives, you never know some of us torchbearers could end up in-laws one day! LOL wouldn't that be awesome?!?!?!